- Diamon

“-halfway between mortal and immortal. What do you mean by that, Diotima?”

“They are envoys and interpreters that ply between heaven and earth…”

                                                                                                             - Plato, symposium

The biblical angel seemed to be a Greek idea, first. There were those who critically thought and concluded logically that a God, being such that is impervious to space, time and matter (immortality being an obvious consequence), cannot be compatible with the spacial, temporal and material. If a God were to influence the world, it therefor should not be capable of it. The Daemon, however, is of which that receives and transmits the influence of Gods upon the world; the Daemon is of an in-between substance, being neither here nor there.

This “entity” is personally fascinating to me. The Greek Daemon, as Angels, would  paradoxically have both feet in either existence, and somehow, still exist in neither. This makes me consider the entities of dreams. But suppose that the dream image/entity is made into a phenomenon by a Diamond-Like phenomena? What do the inner mechanisms of the dreams look like, ifs only imaginable? Consider the ritualistic notion of a spiritual being that is invisibly within peyote, and that it comes to exist only when the plant is ingested and sacredly guiding the guided.

I still archaically wonder of the inner workings of imagination and the soul. Having grasped the imaginal product is one thing; the grasping of the very “mechanism” that makes possible our dreams, visual imagery, fantasy (wonderful or grotesque, intentional or unconsciously), and all of the emotivity involved, is another.