Inspiration, or what ever datum, whether it be meta, immediate or otherwise, arrives in certain forms. Artists have been known to derive from the universals of sadness and pain, and it seems sometimes, the lesser frequent experience of happiness and joy. Of the former, depression, great anxiousness, and personal tragedy of various levels have powered my work; however only in part. Other phenomena for me includes a sense of wonder and attraction to what I perceive as subtle and sublime; as if invisible forces are at work in the world and that I am a part of it.
I wonder often how a state of mind may be conditioned independently of intoxicants, medications and psychological conditions. (Those who suffer from depression understand how this condition can affect decision making and perception of the self and the world that it is within) States of Being, of which sub-ordinates the superficial aforementioned conditions, provide the structural foundation for perception and personal existence. One can be within the ontological throws of certain states of being, and combinations of. Suppose a particular state imposes itself onto ones self to the point where they are sensitive to the soul and to that which it can access? Even if the idea of God is an error, the experiences and feelings that has lead those to conclude that God is so, is certain and perceptible.
Other than love, being among children and concluding bodies of art, it is the content of my second paragraph that has brought joy to my experiences.